
Ashenvan Regions

Ashenvan is a large nation the takes up most of what was once China and India. It was once ruled by a single powerful creature known as Adamant. It was a common rumor that he was an aeon or even a minor deity since he didn't seem to age and had strange magical powers. The truth isn't far off, he was a great wyrm Force Dragon. He left his nation in the hands of a steward and went to help fight the Fallen god of time. Unfortunately he never came back.

Mithral District - Old Center of Authority

When Adamant lived, he considered all of this sprawling city his hoard. All regional governors owned their positions to Adamant. Most respected the great dragon's power but some where clearly kept in line by the threat of overwhelming force (pun intended). The city itself is near the center of the nation, bordering all four regions and serves as an administrative Capitol and trade hub. The people who live here full time are mostly bureaucrats or military officers. The main reason any of the districts involve Mithral these days is for its courts. All the old laws and contracts signed under Adamant and the succeeding Lord Mayors are maintained here. A District Council can pass new laws that affect all of Ashenvan. The Mithral Courts are still considered impartial by all the districts (as Mithral needs all the districts to be running smoothly in order to function).

In the year's since Adamant's death the primacy of Mithral's Lord Mayor has waned. For several years after each region carried on as before. But human lives and memories are short. In time each regional leader kept more tax revenue, troops, and other resources for themselves. Adamant did one key thing that has ensured that none of the regions broke away, they need each other. A complex web of trade and fealty has done more to maintain order than any Lord Mayor. Each district, other than Mithral, has a major industry and guards the trade secrets of that field aggressively. There are four Districts each named for another metal or alloy. The size of each district is partly dictated by its primary industry (Farming/Lumber, Shipwrights, Steelworks, Artisans).

Brass - Watching the Sea

The shipbuilders of Brass know more about river and ocean going craft than anyone else on the the continent. It's here that trade between Ashenvan and the rest of the world is focused. In the last 5 years, Brass has started to maintain and repair visiting Airships from Soruan. Brass relies on materials from Iron and Copper, as well as items acquired from overseas. There is an ongoing threat from Saralo raiding parties, but these rarely get close to shore. It is widely hoped that the Saralo pirates will stop being a problem once airships out number sailing ships. Until then, faster and better armed ships from the ports in Brass will continue to be built and used.

Iron - Feeding the Nation <Border Post 3 is here>

The rich soil and ample rains make the southwest part of Ashenvan perfect for farming. While every district can make some food, Iron is where most of the nation's stock comes from. Also prevalent here are processing plants for livestock and textile work. Much of the leather used in crafts and armor are from here. Being close to the land and often working without much support from the other districts has made the people here a bit stubborn. Many don't have time to worry about pirates, edicts from Mithral, and random monsters from the Hacheri. Iron also has the most troops built up in its part of the Ashen Guard, mostly to give younger people something to do that isn't farming. Partly to make sure random monsters from the west don't destroy a village.

Copper - Fires of Industry

This area is dominated by a large desert and rolling hills. In order to run the various smelters there is a reliance on solar heating. Coal, wood, and plastite (compressed plastic found in Ancient landfills) are used where the boilers can't get hot enough with solar alone. Numerous mines dot the landscape. The air in this region is often heavy with soot and most people who live here wear cloth masks and goggles when outside for long periods. There have been a few attempts at magically treating the air but these measures either last a few hours or effect such a small area that no one notices. The metals and several chemicals extracted are sent to other districts to be further refined into usable items.

Zinc - Building the Future

The Northeast corner of Ashenvan is home to most of the thinkers, tinkers, and craftspeople of the nation. Zinc has always pushed toward innovation, often to the point where Adamant had to step in and remind them of the dangers of their work. The Mage's College is in this district, as is the protectorate isle of Talingard. The Brewer's Guild from Chadan has a presence here as well. Outside the College, metalwork and machinery are the focus of many artisans here. These machines (and knowledge of their maintenance and repair) are greatly valued throughout Ashenvan. Advanced agriculture equipment for Iron, better cannons for the ships of Brass, and tools to maintain the forges and mines of Copper.

Gold - Mage's College

Not officially recognized as a separate district but still holds much influence. The College generates about 1/3rd of the tax revenue for the nation and is given more deference from the capital because of it. They get this revenue from selling magical equipment and maintaining (and charging for use of) the largest collection of spellbooks outside Auma. The College also spends much effort on creating new spells and items. The College doctrine discourages the combination of Ancient Tech and Magic. This is probably lip service to keep Mithral from trying to control their research.

Lead - People Beneath

Though no one in Mithral will admit it, there are many more people that live there. These underclass are the servants, general laborers, and common criminals who do not belong to the Administrative Class. Adamant forbid slavery and insisted that people be well paid and cared for. Today some lords happily exploit this group and actively work to make sure they stay an underclass. While slavery is still illegal, what's allowed to pass as "indenture" has expanded. Each district has developed slightly different rules for how these people are treated. Copper uses them as "canaries" in new mine tunnels and general laborers while Brass has them tie and patch fishing nets. Those of the lower classes who can escape to Iron find themselves working fields and harvesting.

Military Ranks of the Ashen Guard

These ranks date back to the early days of Adamant's rule. The system still works so few have attempted to change it over the years. All ranks are open to any sapient species thought the higher ranks are dominated by humans and half-elves. There is no differentiation based on gender except in a small number of specialized roles (usually in the Stanard or Centurion ranks).

All ranks above Munifex and below High Commander may have a special designation marking skilled spellcasters. The rank and file troops from spellcasting classes that go to 6th or 9th level spells are referred to as Kebebasa (roughly translated = Liberated). At the officer level the term is Optio. These people are freed from a number of menial duties to give them time to focus on their art and prepare spells.

High Commander - There is one person who holds this rank. They report to the Board of Councilors in Mithral. The current High Commander is Ky Hoa, a Hobgoblin who over 3 decades climbed the ranks and now oversees a time of relative peace.

General - Each region has three generals that manage the routine operations of the Ashen Guard. One of the three is designated as Senior General and is the one held responsible for problems in their district.

Legate - Each General is in charge of 10-20 Legates depending on the current size of the Ashen Guard. This level is most often found in charge of a base, naval vessel, or border post. Even if a General is present, the base's Legate is deferred to under all but the most dire circumstances. Legates rely on their Tribunes to keep everything running smoothly.

Tribune - These officers are often specialized in one or two aspects of military life. Quartermasters, trainers, horsemen, and the like. Tribunes pick 2-4 Stanards to be apprentices to their specialty to ensure knowledge is preserved.

Stanard - The highest rank still considered to "get their hands dirty". Stanards are in charge of as many as 50 Avocati and Munifex. They are responsible for the unit cohesion, training, morale, and equipment of their troops. They typically report to the Legate unless specific knowledge is required.

The bottom two ranks are Avocati and Munifex. The primary difference is time of service. Munifex is reserved for raw recruits and conscripts. After a few years, or sometimes one impressive feat, a Munifex is promoted to Avocati. One must be an Avocati before the Kebebasa distinction is granted.

Garren's Well, Iron District Small Town

Garren's Well existed long before Post 3 was set up. The eponymous well was on the edge of several farms. It became a common place were the farmers, hunters, and laborers could meet during the year. When Post 3 was established the locals agreed to have more permanent structures set up. A small command post was built first with a holding cell, then housing and shops. The proximity to the Post gives Garren's Well properties associated with a Large Town as shown in its stat block.

Garren's Well Stats

Alignment and Type Neutral Small Town


Corruption 0 Crime -1

Economy 0 Law +2

Lore 0 Society 0

Danger 2

Qualities - Militarized, Prosperous, Rural

While near a military base, there is still a wilderness nearby and criminal element that is always working toward their own ends.

Disadvantages - None

Government - Council

Post 3 is tasked with law enforcement but the town is run by a trio of residents. One is a local farmer or rancher, one is a merchant or trader, the last is a religious leader.

Population - 1320 (50% human, 20% elf/half-elf, 10% gnome, 10% fellwin, 10% others)

Base Value Purchase Limit Spellcasting Minor Items Medium Items

1500 gp 7,500 gp 4th 3d4 items 1d6 items

3d4 items
