People of Domus
Common Folk of Ashenvan
There are many different kinds of sapient life on all parts of Domus. Most of them are classified as "Persons" for the purposes of spells and effects. Where this is not the case it is noted in the race's detailed description. Of those detailed below, the Pathfinder Core Rulebook version also exists as written unless noted.
Humans native to Ashenvan use the Core Rulebook. Due to the long history of being ruled by a dragon there are people with distant draconic heritage may have the “Dual Talent” alternate trait. They start with Ashen Common and may choose Havend Trade Common and Draconic as a bonus language.
Ashen Islander
The isles surrounding Ashenvan’s south and east coasts use the Core Rulebook, though most have “Heart of the Sea.” They start with Ashen Common and may choose Saralo as a bonus language.
Hacherian (15 point build)
Many in Chadan or Haventon have never seen a human native to the Hacheri. Those from Ashenvan don’t consider them human at all. They live throughout the Hacheri in settlements often smaller than 500 people. It is impossible to know how many of these settlements exist, they relocate quickly to avoid predators or follow resources. Those found outside of Hacheri are usually slaves (of Hobgoblin tribes) or outcasts.
Humanoid (human), Size: Medium Base Speed 30ft
+2DEX, +2WIS Xenophobic: Starts with Wildlands only, may choose from Ashen Common, Draconic, Giant, or Elven as bonus languages
1 Bonus Feat, 1 bonus Skill Point per level, +2 on saves Vs Poison and mind-affecting effects
Camouflage (+4 racial bonus on Stealth in forests), Perception and Stealth are always Class Skills, +2 racial bonus to Survival
Noran (16 point build)
The direct descendants of the Ancients, They still possess much of the skills and knowledge of that time. Most often found on the western coast and far north of Norana and south and central Soruan. They keep all the basic human traits (as Core) and can be as distinct as those found anywhere else on Domus. They gain “Technologist” in addition to their normal bonus feat. They also benefit from Spell Resistance equal to 6+ character level and a +1 Luck bonus on all Saves. They begin with Noran Common, Ancient Human, and any one regional language. They must use Linguistics to learn languages from across the sea. They are principally found west of the Mississippi River in Norana, or in Catfolk settlements in Soruan. A few have made the journey to Ashenvan and the Southern Isles.
The dwarves of the Boros Mountains near Chadan have been trading with other species for as long as any can remember. During the Godsfall, the now deceased god of War tried to exterminate them. Mortals from across the region rallied to their defense, notably a hobgoblin tribe took the brunt of the attack. This show of solidarity has resulted in a softening of old hatreds and traditions. While the Core Rulebook dwarf is common, many have given up Hatred and have either Industrious Urbanite or Giant Hunter instead. Or they turned their animosity to the Elves who did nothing but run away (gaining Ancient Enmity). They start with Havend Trade Common and Dwarven.
Originally from the mountains along the southwest edge of the nation. Dwarves can be found all across Ashenvan and the Coastal Isles. They have built or designed nearly every fortification and major civic building in the nation. Those native to this area have “Craftsman” instead of “Greed.” They start with Ashen Common and Dwarven.
In the distant past, dwarves emerged from the high mountains on the western coast of Soruan. And more or less they have remained there. They have their own language generally called Stonespeak which seems to have different linguistic roots from Ashen and Boros Dwarven.
Functionally a completely different race at this point. When the Fallen god of war moved against the dwarves, some clans joined his dark cause. After his defeat, those clans who aided him retreated deeper underground. Corrupted by the influence of their dead god they now reject both the light of day and the modern pantheon.
Hardy and discipled, the Hobgoblins came down from the northern areas of the world. Though related to other goblin species the modern Hobgoblin has little in common with their more savage kin. They favor tradition and hard work. In areas where they rule a strong meritocracy emerges, though certain elements are revulsive to outsiders. The tribes north of Ashenvan and Norana tend to eat those they usurp.
When the Fallen god of war attempted to exterminate the dwarves, the local Hobgoblin tribes rose to their defense faster and in greater numbers than any other group. Since those harrowing days the two peoples have grown together letting the normally short lived Hobs learn many dwarven traditions. Those from Chadan can trade Sneaky for Iron Citizen. Many have also picked up Magehunter, but applied to divine casters instead of arcane. They start with Havend Trade Common and Goblin, and may select Ashen Common and Dwarven as bonus languages.
Ashen / Noran
These are the normal type found in the Advanced Race Guide. Due to years of persecution by both the Ashen Guard and various armies of Norana the Hobgoblins have adopted a nomadic life in the northern regions. Many tribes have no problem using captives as slave labor. A handful have been observed using them as food, but generally people assume they all do it. A terrible warlord rose up on an island near Ashenvan and founded a new tribe that tried to bring all the others under his banner. While on a quest for a Mythic power source so he could personally challenge the champions of Ashenvan, this warlord vanished. Hobgoblins may select any of the alternate traits listed in the ARG. They choose either Ashen Common or Noran in addition to Goblin. The other region’s Common and Dwarven may be selected as bonus languages.
Originally, the Elven people came from a southern peninsula of Chadan (formerly known as the Tothvan region). They had spread throughout the civilized lands, present but never numerous enough to fully rule the areas they shared with the other races. Elves never used to treat anyone with derision until recently (recent in their eyes anyway). They lost their ancestral homeland to an undead army that swept through Boros and Chadan. Though the area is mostly free of monsters these days, the humans who drove off the horde now claim the land. The elves wandered for decades until settling a western region of the Hacheri. There they remain, slowly expanding their reach and taming a seemingly endless wilderness. Many of the elders have not forgiven the humans for keeping their old lands, a betrayal that haunts them to this day.
Chadanese / Hacherian
These are the normal type found in the Advanced Race Guide. They may select any of the alternate traits listed in the ARG. They start with Elven and Havend Trade Common, and may select Ashen Common may be as a bonus language. Many have acquired an “Eternal Grudge” that is applied to Humans instead of Dwarves.
This offshoot of elves moved to Ashenvan in the earliest days of their race. They have no memory of the old homeland and have fully adopted the southern third of Ashenvan as home. They are a much more magically focused people, trading their weapon familiarity for “Arcane Focus.” Many also have the “Envoy” trait. They start with Elven and Ashen Common, and may select Havend Trade Common as a bonus language.
Possibly an offshoot of Fellwin, the Gnomes have always lived near Dwarves. They follow more closely to the 3.5 description instead of the fey origin from Pathfinder. They are curious to a fault, all have some sort of obsession. They live long enough to master multiple fields and are fond of blending disciplines as a means of discovery. Most technical disciplines borrow terms from Gnomish as their own language has no words for the more advanced mathematical and scientific fields. They are less common in lands dominated the “Tallfolk” but can be found in any city throughout Chadan, Haventon, and Ashenvan. There are no known Gnomes that originated in Ashenvan, but many have moved there over the years.
Chadanese / Boros
These are the normal type found in the Advanced Race Guide except they move the +2 CHA to INT.* They may select any of the alternate traits listed in the ARG, more than half of them have “Master Tinker.” They start with Havend Trade Common and Dwarven, and may select Ashen Common may be as a bonus language.
Like the dwarves they live near, the gnomes of Soruan have adapted to the higher elevation and other oddities of the region. They give up “Hatred” for “Mountain-born.” They have with Noran Common and Stonespeak as starting languages. Unlike their Chadanese kin, Soruan Gnomes are rarely found among Catfolk. They only travel along the west coast of Norana to study with the humans. A brave few have made the journey across the sea (or over it more recently).
Fellwin (halflings)
Never ones for history or tradition, where Fellwin came from is lost to time. They have been around the other races for as long as any of them can remember. They are often friendly and outgoing, quick to go off to see the wider world. Halfling was the common term for their race before the Skyfall Hands ascended. Patrel, a master Arcane Trickster and now divine patron of the Fellwin, chose the name for their race. It was widely adopted by everyone … except Chadanesse humans. There are no Fellwin native to the lands of Norana or Soruan.
Like the elves, some families relocated to Ashenvan ages ago. They are very much like their Chadanese kin in outlook. Fellwin from Ashenvan have “Fleet of Foot” and “Polyglot” instead of “Sure Footed” and “Keen Senses.” They start with Elven and Ashen Common, and may select Havend Trade Common may be as a bonus language.
These are the normal type found in the Core Rulebook. They may select any of the alternate traits listed in the ARG. They start with Havend Trade Common, and may select Ashen Common as a bonus language.
Found in large numbers in the southern regions of Hacheri, Lizardfolk are an unusual race. They have no problems dealing with other races, but they are slow to adopt things from other cultures. Most tribes need centuries of contact with another race before any number of them pick up the language, art, or magical techniques. This doesn’t mean Lizardfolk are not intelligent, rather they stick to methods that they know. This hidebound mentality is frustrating for humans but Dwarves and Elves appreciate it as a deep respect for tradition. Lizardfolk are one of the few races that have figured out how to thrive in the Hacheri, so clearly they are doing something right.
Use the racial modifiers and special qualities as shown in Bestiary 1. (+2 STR, +2 CON, -2 INT). Unlike the others detailed here, they have racial hit dice. They are playable as is, but they do not gain class levels in the usual way. They gain XP on the Slow track until they reach 3rd level. After that they switch to the Medium track. Yes, you would need 1500XP to get to your 1st class level. Typically they would only be trained in Draconic, but those destined to travel beyond their homelands often pick up Ashen Common, Elven, or Wildlands depending on their neighbors. They may begin play with the normal starting wealth for a Rogue (or the default wealth used in the campaign). How you left your tribe is up to you, be it destined to travel, outcast for theft, or something else entirely.
Languages / Linguistics
Some races do not have their own racial language, borrowing from their neighbors or oppressors. The major racial languages found on Domus are Catfolk, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnomish, Goblin, Giant, and Saralo. Human languages are often referred to as “Common” but are in fact multiple region specific dialects. Most business is conducted in Havend Trade or Ashen Common, or Catfolk in areas they control. In general, races from one side of an ocean can’t select languages from the other without spending skill points in Linguistics.
Where races are found on each side of an ocean, they do not share a language. They may have in days past but centuries of separation and borrowing from other people have led to distinct languages. The language of the Hacheri native is restricted, only those from Hacheri or Ashenvan could have learned it. It is not available as a starting bonus language, anyone who learns it must spend a skill point on Linguistics.
The planar languages are available to any character who has at least 1 rank in Knowledge: Planes. These are Celestial, Infernal, Abyssal, Terran, Ignan, Aquan, and Auran. Other, more exotic, outsider languages are not available to starting characters. Bestial languages may be learned if the character has 1 rank in the Knowledge appropriate to that creature or it appears on your regional or racial list of options.
Available Languages by region
Chadan / Haventon: Havend Trade Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnomish, Goblin, Giant, Planar (various)
Ashenvan / Hacheri: Ashen Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Goblin, Planar (Various), Catfolk, Saralo, Wildlands
Southern Isles / Auma: Ancient Human, Ashen Common, Draconic, Saralo
Norana: Noran Common, Catfolk, Saralo, Goblin, Giant, Draconic, Ancient Human
Soruan: Noran Common, Catfolk, Stonespeak (Dwarven), Draconic, Old Catongue