Peoples of Hacheri

East of Boros and West of Ashenvan is one vast wilderness. There are few permanent settlements and fewer established powers. The Lizardfolk of the south have a number of villages along the coast that serve the overland travelers from Haventon. There is a road that connects Ashenvan to Haventon, but much of it is poorly maintained and unguarded.

Goblins and bugbears are found in the northern parts while Lizardfolk dominate the south. They rarely encounter each other simply due to the distance. Overall, the other beasts in the region keep the populations of other humanoids in check. A favorite lair of any humanoid that lives here is an abandoned fort. Ashenvan, Haventon, and the Boros Dwarves all made attempts to settle the wilds over the years. Eventually problems at home force these endeavors to be cut off. Or perhaps they are overwhelmed by a local dragon or other monstrous force. In any case these fortifications dot the landscape on the east, west and south edges of the Hacheri. Believed to have originated in this region, Hobgoblins have largely abandoned the Hacheri for the more civilized lands of Ashenvan, Chadan, and Norana. Along the northern edge some tribes likely continue to this day. Between the hazards of the terrain and wildlife almost nothing is known about Hobgoblins who are still here.

The other group you are likely to find here are elves. After leaving Chadan, most elves moved east over the Boros Mountains and began to carve a new homeland out of the wilderness. They have been fairly successful thus far. Because elves tend to live a long time, the first generation raised solely in this new land is only now coming of age. What changes this will bring to the Hacheri and the elves themselves is anyone’s guess. Their inherent understanding of ley lines has led them to build in places that hold stable loci of power. Each public building in an Elven community will have a design that harnesses magical energy. They use this for everything from blessing fields to providing light for homes and walkways. They have also taken to breeding horses to better handle the varied terrain. Again due to their lifespan, a single trainer can work with many generations of horse to ensure they are exactly what is desired. The specifics of how are not shared with outsiders (i.e. anyone not an elf) but it is suspected they use their magic to help shape the animals more quickly. Mechanically these horses have the Advanced simple template, though only have an INT of 3.

Though rarely seen and unheard of outside Ashenvan are groups of humans who live here. Those that thrive here do so by embracing the natural world rather than try to control it. Outsiders describe them as wild or even feral. They are often xenophobic and defensive of what areas the hold. The vast majority of them are in the northern half of the Hacheri. Much of their culture is unknown. No writings of theirs has been found, few permanent structures, and no sign of what, if any, gods they worship. The only place in Ashenvan that has seen any number of them is the Copper District (Northwest corner).