The Evil
Many forces in the world are simply in it for themselves. Technically that's almost everyone, but those we call Evil are willing to hurt others to get want they want. Like with Good, methods vary greatly and not everyone who follows an Evil deity is evil themselves. Those who embrace Lawful Evil will build and maintain tradition and social order, so long as they benefit from it. Chaotic Evil doesn't care for much of anything as long as all their whims are met, right now.
Father of Darkness Alignment NE Pantheon Major Deities
Areas of Concern: Thieves, envy, wrath
Domains Evil, Trickery, Charm, Darkness, Death
Subdomains Fear (Evil), Thievery (Trickery), Lust (Charm), Rage (Destruction*)
* Requires the Acolyte of Apocrypha trait.
Favored Weapon Short sword
Symbol red swords crossed over a black skull
Sacred Animal(s) none
Sacred Color(s)
Provelius does not acknowledge this practice. Sacrificing a sapient creature in his name will get his attention but it is not widely known what is given in exchange.
Centers of Worship Everywhere, but nowhere. his followers are numerous but they rarely congregate as to avoid notice.
Unique Spell Rules
Inflict Wounds (All) - The maximum value added to the die roll is 2 levels higher.
Inflict Wounds (All) - The maximum value added to the die roll is 2 levels higher.
Unique Summon Rules
The only of the Fallen Ten to remain a major deity. He often reaches out to those who have been betrayed (or simply believe they were). Envious thoughts will get his notice. He doesn't often go for indiscriminate violence, but those same acts directed toward a selfish goal will be encouraged. It is unclear if he has a greater plan in the cosmos or simply works against the rest of the pantheon.
It is believed that Provelius survived the events of Skyfall by tricking Gaia somehow. Others think the original "Father of Darkness" was destroyed and something else took its power. Whatever the true answer is, this is one of the most dangerous of the major deities.
The Shaper
Shaper of Beasts Alignment CE Pantheon Major Deities
Areas of Concern: Monstrous humanoids, aberration, mutagenic alchemy
Domains Chaos, Evil, Destruction, Healing, Alchemy (magic)
Subdomains Protean (Chaos), Corruption (Evil), Torture (Destruction), Growth (Plant*)
* Requires the Acolyte of Apocrypha trait.
Favored Weapon Natural Attack (bite)
Symbol a bear's head with goat horns
Sacred Animal(s) chimera
Sacred Color(s) the dark reds/browns of a scar.
Find a creature with a trait you don't have (typically a rat or bug). Cut a small piece of it off while praying to "Mother." Upon a freshly opened cut, place that piece so the open wounds touch. If done correctly your blood will dissolve the offering. Until the next sunset you gain a +1 caster level on transmutation spells and effects.
Centers of Worship Everywhere, but nowhere. her followers are widely shunned by society. A cult of the Shaper can be found among the Brewers' Guild of Chadan and Ashenvan Mage's College. Probably.
Unique Spell Rules
add Anthropomorphic Animal to the cleric spell list as a 3rd level spell
Baleful Polymorph can be prepared as a 5th-level spell.
add Animal Aspect to the inquisitor spell list as a 2nd level spell. When cast it is automatically Extended, as the metamagic feat
Unique Summon Rules
all kinds of crazy shit. The most common "upgrade" her followers get when summoning animals is "Man-Eating Animal" instead of fiendish.
No one is quite sure where she came from. Many believe she was a follower of the Dragon currently sleeping under Norana, but she says no. Others think she ascended after mixing several potions and mutagens at a meeting of the Brewers' Guild. Again she denies it. Her teachings encourage experimentation and growth without regard for the cost or danger. All the sciences, magical arts, every mortal endeavor can reach perfection if only we would ignore the limits placed by others. While this may sound like simple hedonism, The Shaper abhors waste and has no interest in mere debauchery. The work must progress at any cost, most often paid in sanity. She guides her followers away from ivory towers and into secluded labs and cavernous lairs.
The Fire-axe
The Tyrant Alignment LE Pantheon Major Deities
Areas of Concern hobgoblins/goblins, warfare, strategy
Domains Evil, Law, War, Strength, Wolf (druid domain)
Subdomains Devil (Evil), Soverignty, Tyranny (Law), Tactics (War), Ferocity (Strength)
Favored Weapon greataxe
Symbol a flaming axe
Sacred Animal(s) arctic wolf
Sacred Color(s) Black and gold
As part of a prayer, make a plan to get something you want. It must be something quickly achievable and may (probably should) involve an act of violence. After you finish your plan, whether it succeeds or not, you gain a +4 profane bonus on initiative checks for the next two combat encounters.
Centers of Worship Ashenvan, Hacheri, Norana
Unique Spell Rules
Add Dominate Person to the Cleric's spell list as a 5th level spell.
Add Dominate Person to the Inquisitor's spell list as a 4th level spell
A conqueror of legend who once served another god. Now that he has ascended he acts as both patron of goblinoids and scion of military strategy. He and his faithful believe that anything can be done with the correct application of force. Not the most force necessarily but the less civilized among his followers often miss that point. The great snow wolves from the regions north of Ashenvan and Norana were sacred to his people before his ascension and he has declared dominion over them.