Player Basics
Notes from the Past
If you are using Occult Adventures, the powers there are considered "home-grown." The classes and powers from Ultimate Psionics are based on alien influence. Sadly most people can't tell the difference.
Character Creation
Ability Scores = 2d6+6 for each stat, arrange to suit.
Classes = Pathfinder 1st edition hardcover books are available except APG Summoner. Dreamscarred Press "Ultimate Psionics" classes are also playable.
Traits = Each PC may take 2 traits, following the normal rules in the APG and Ultimate Campaign. Additional traits may be purchased by spending a feat or taking a Drawback.
Drawbacks / Flaws = A PC can take 1 Drawback but no Flaws.
Species / Race = The Core Rulebook options and region specific races are available. Be sure to check the "People of Domus" page for regional details.
Advancement = At Level 4, and every 4 levels thereafter, you may increase one ability score +2, a different ability score +1, and reduce a third ability score by 1. Alternately you may simply increase two different ability scores by 1 each.
Campaign Traits
Local Woodsman - A few years ago the Ashen Guard set up a post near your hunting trails. The garrison commander was looking for locals to assist planning patrol routes and you decided to offer your expertise. You gain a +1 to Perception and Survival. Survival is always a class skill.
Conscript - You are currently indentured to the Ashen Guard because of a criminal conviction. It is hoped that the structured environment and distance from civilization will help rehabilitate you. Whether or not it works is up to you. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Intimidate checks, and Intimidate is always a class skill for you.
Volunteer - Down on your luck in the civilian world you enlist in the Ashen Guard. It has stable wages, most basic needs are covered, and the nation has been at peace for many years. The recruiters sent you to a remote post on the southwest of the nation far from your home. You gain a +2 to a non-solider profession of you choice. Know: Local becomes a class skill.
The first section of the campaign assumes everyone is part of the Ashen Guard, or at least working at the Post. You may choose how you joined up (see Campaign Traits).
Before the 10 Dec 2022 Session try to have the rewards below updated on your character.
Character Changes
For those who want to switch characters, during the downtime is the perfect time to do it. People get rotated in and out of teams all the time. Use the same rules for creating a new character of 7th level (35,500xp and 23,500gp). That character does not start with any of the rewards below except the 15 days of downtime plus 25 days light duty time. Retired characters may come back later as PCs or can be released letting them become an NPC either in Post 3, Garren's Well, or other nearby locale. If you let them become an NPC they can't go back to PC status, but they can remain safely in the background. This is why I haven't done anything with Ivy yet.
While at Post 3, you are normally expected to spend some time each day performing various assigned tasks. However each PC is given three weeks of time without assigned tasks as part of your reward. All the activities listed in Ultimate Campaign ( are available except for Constructing Buildings on the Post. In addition, you may use the facilities in Post 3 or in Garren's Well at no cost. After two weeks, a group is going to make a run to Foralla's Hearth for a harvest trade fair. Its 3 days each way by horseback with 1 day to shop. The GP limit at the fair is 3 times that of Garren's Well and a wide array of diverse goods are available. As long as 1 person is willing to make the trip, others can send money and a shopping list.
After the three weeks, the patrols are cut back as the fall rainy season is starting. The higher elevations get snow while the valley gets stretches with multi-day steady rain with occasional downpours. Roads and trails are often washed out and troops get to spend hours a day sandbagging or manning pumps to keep underground storage areas dry. There is a month (35 days) where each PC gets 8 hours on base of their own time to spend on projects. While the patrols are reduced they are not stopped, and now the routine trips include runs to Blaze's Monastery (none of you are called up for that during the month). After the 35 days of base duty, something happens that puts you back in the field. PC's who spend 7 of their 35 days of light duty working with Tola to get the Tracking Station running may take the Technologist feat and have access to tools, technological skill uses (administering pharmaceuticals with the Heal skill for example), and the Pharma Lab that the Annis Hag was using. You can spend time with Tola before taking the three weeks if you want to craft.
Monetary Rewards
The sale of collected equipment and trade goods is 3050gp. Each PC is awarded an additional 2500gp for recovering the Tracking Station and stopping the cult. Each PC is also awarded the following gear:
1 weapon, armor, shield, or tool made of adamantine. <may accept 4,000gp instead.>
2 potions of your choice of 1st and 2nd level spells from the Sorc/Wiz list.
4 alchemical remedies (100gp each or less, your choice)
1 weapon with +1 enhancement and a +1 equivalent (energy damage or Keen). May be the adamantine item granted above. <can upgrade an existing masterwork item or get a new one>
1 armor or shield with +1 enhancement with either a +1 equivalent ability or special property of 1500gp or less. <can upgrade an existing masterwork item or get a new one>
Before the party is sent back out, they are assigned the following: 1 Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds (40 charges), a type 2 bag of holding (full), water proof explorer's outfits with matching boots and ponchos (+2 bonus to resist rain/wind effects, also counts as cold weather gear), 1 wand of Tiny Hut (15 charges) for severe weather camping, 25 pieces of adamantine ammo and 1 adamantine grappler arrow (for setting ropes above your position). Mundane equipment for wilderness camping is in the bag of holding along with feed (12 goat-days or 240 pounds), rations (40 man-days, 40 pounds), and 9 gallons of fresh water. You should be able to forage to supplement those supplies.