The Neutral
This is a harder group to even call a group. Divine beings with a moral, ethical, or either aspect fill a wide array of roles in the world. For those called "True Neutral" the portfolio is their whole world. If it is outside your scope it doesn't matter. For some that scope is quite narrow. Lawful Neutral tends toward Order for its own sake. They encourage building, honoring tradition (even outdated ones), and staying within predetermined limits. Chaotic Neutral is the most difficult for most mortals to comprehend. Chaos for its own sake is often destructive, but leads to new growth and opportunity.
Hand of Steel Alignment LN Pantheon Major Deities, Dwarven Deities
Areas of Concern Crafting, Self-improvement,
Domains Law, Artifice, Protection, Strength, War
Favored Weapon Katana
Symbol Blade piercing an anvil
Sacred Animal(s) badger
Sacred Color(s) slate grey
Centers of Worship Ashenvan, Boros, Chadan, Drokav, Haventon, Soruan
Paladin Code – Virtues appear in the order to be followed
Unique Spell Rules
Unique Summon Rules
Summon Monster II-IX: Earth elementals summoned are made of metal and ores rather than random soil and rocks. Add 5 to the DR they possess and change the type to #/Adamantine
Azim began his divinity as a Hand of one of the Fallen Ten. He was freed from their service when his patron stepped down. Now, as a major deity, his focus has widened to all aspects of creation.
The Sailor
Master of Waves Alignment CN Pantheon Major Deities
Areas of Concern Sailing, fishing, great creatures of the sea
Domains Chaos, Air, Water, Travel, Weather
Subdomains Restoration (Healing*), Wind, Rivers, Exploration
* Requires the Acolyte of Apocrypha trait.
Favored Weapon Dagger
Symbol The sun rising over waves
Sacred Animal(s) shark
Sacred Color(s) yellow, the first rays of morning light.
Centers of Worship Ashenvan, Chadan, The Southern Isles, Haventon,
Unique Spell Rules
All Divine casters
Water Walk and Water Walk, Communal- Add its spell level (usually 3 or 2) to the caster level when determining the duration.
Unique Summon Rules
Summon Monster I-IX: Any creature summoned that does not have a swim speed is granted one equal to 1/2 its land speed. This will not work on any creature with the Fire subtype.
Born of a violent schism, The Hunter and The Sailor divide the various aspects of the natural world. The Sailor (he has no other name) is said to give aid to lost ships and guide fish into nets, at least when he likes you. His moods can vary widely, his rages channel the power of storms that have been know to wipe towns off the map. His piques of mania can do the same or call forth a giant whale that he has been seen riding around the Southern Isles. Most who live near the coasts are quick to appease his whims, lest they be the target of his wrath.
Curiously, The Sailor makes no claim over shipwrecks or the souls of the drowned. Those who know their history realize The Sailor shares the ocean with another, Fallen, god.
Mother Nature Alignment N Pantheon Major Deities
Areas of Concern
Domains Any except Alignments, Community, Magic, Time
Favored Weapon: Natural Attacks. If a follower doesn't have one, they are given claws.
Symbol: an oak tree
Sacred Animal(s): none, maybe all
Sacred Color(s): red, orange, yellow
Obedience: She will decide what ritual an adherent must perform. It will be something related to that person's relationship to nature.
Centers of Worship: None. Gaia has no use for fancy temples and rarely accepts followers.
Unique Summon Rules
Summon Nature's Ally 1-9: Add +2 Str and +2 Con to any summoned animal.
Once Gaia was caged by the Fallen Ten, her power drained to fed their Ascension. After the Godsfall Gaia now exists as part of the new pantheon. Gaia may be the single most powerful deity on Domus but is reluctant to take followers. Those chosen to carry Her mantle often find themselves defending the world. Typical druids and clerics opt for the Hunter, Sailor, or environmental based philosophy.
She does know her power comes life itself, as long as Domus has organic life she maintains her power. After Godsfall she walked the astral plane to visit other worlds and found beings like herself. She also saw what the Illith did to worlds they conquered. In modern times she stays close to home, watching the skies and planes for things that would threaten life on Domus. She also keeps an eye of the fledgling spirit growing on Mars.