Southwest Ashenvan.

Area around Ashen Border Post 3, Sevi River Bend

The Sevi River dominates the southwest of Ashenvan.  It is fed by numerous streams that flow down from the mountains.  Many stretches of the river are shallow enough to ford safely except during the spring melt. In the area around Post 3, there are two permanent bridges over the river and a few that are easily deployed weather permitting. 

Iron District - Foralla's Hearth

Alignment and Type Neutral Good Hamlet


Corruption -2 Crime -3

Economy -3 Law 1

Lore -1 Society -1

Danger -10

Qualities - Rural 

A roadside inn that's been here so long its grown its own neighborhood. Harenette and her family have always run the Hearth and try to be as welcoming as possible to those traveling to or from Ashenvan. Since Post 3 went up there have been more travelers but also more trouble.

Disadvantages -  None

Government  - Autocrat - Harenette Foralla, Owner of the Hearth and "Mayor"

Population - 51 (21 human, 20 elf, 5 half-elf, 1 gnome, 3 fellwin, 2 others)

Base Value Purchase Limit Spellcasting Minor Items

200gp 1000 gp 2th 1d4

Iron District - Alveenia

Alignment and Type Lawful Neutral Logging Village


Corruption -1 Crime -1

Economy -1 Law 1

Lore 0 Society -1

Danger -1

Qualities - Prosperous, Small Folk

"Half the size but twice as sharp" is a common refrain among those who live and work at Alveenia. While much of the village is built for those below 4 ft tall, they do keep a trimmed meadow so larger folk can camp. Though these days most would rather stay at Garren's Well. Alveenia and its crew provided most of the lumber for Post 3 causing a recent change over to replanting sooner than expected. Lumber is still plentiful, just a bit farther away.

Disadvantages -  None

Government  - Autocracy 

Population - 110 (50% gnome, 40%fellwin, 10% wayang)

Base Value Purchase Limit Spellcasting Minor Items Medium

500 gp 2500gp 3rd 2d4 1d4

Iron District - Garren's Well

Alignment and Type Lawful Neutral Market Town


Corruption 1 Crime 1

Economy 5 Law 2

Lore 1 Society  3

Danger 3

Qualities - Defensible, Guilds

Garren's Well started out as just a well and a farmer's market. Now that Post 3 is fully established, Mithral has sent a new wave of settlers and tradesmen to the area. many have set up on the south and east side of the town itself. There is a central merchant's district, a granary on the north side near the river, and the Post itself a few miles west. Troops from the post have taken on the role of town guard but the town council is charged with settling disputes. So far there have been few problems except some growing pains. There is still a Door to Hogstown in the old farmhouse near the center of town. The leadership of Post 3 assume a new Door has been established but there is no clue as to its location.

Disadvantages -  None

Government  - Council 

Population - 2200 (35% human, 20% elf, 15% fellwin, 15% dwarf, 10% gnome, 5% others)

Base Value Purchase Limit Spellcasting Minor Items Medium Major

2700gp 15,000gp 5th 3d4 1d6 1d4