Plasma Bolter 

This device was recovered from an Ancient ruin and carried by one of Greg's wrecking crew. It appears to be a +2 light crossbow with no slot for a bolt and no obvious mechanical parts. When fired it deals 4d8 damage (E/F), 18-20 / x3, range 100. It can fire up to 10 times per day. While there is no intelligence in the item, it does have a name that is visible with Detect Magic. It is not entirely magical or technological.

Gravity Boots 

The footwear of choice for an alien shock trooper. When charged (max = 20) the wearer can spend 1 charge as a swift action to gain a flight speed of 60ft (Good Maneuverability) for 5 minutes. If it runs out of charges while airborne it activates a reserve battery to decrease altitude at 45ft per round for 10 rounds.
As full round action, the wearer can spend 2 charges for an overland travel mode. In this setting they grant a flight speed of 100 ft (clumsy) for 1 hour. The reserve battery works the same way.
The boots are recharged by the wearer's movement. Every 2 hours of ground movement adds 1 charge.

Sorrow, Cursed Pistol from an Another World

At first glance, the six chambered revolver seems basic for a weapon of its type. There is no physical way to load bullets into the weapon, the chamber mechanism won't open. Instead it draws negative emotions from the wielder and targets. Depending on which emotion is consumed, the powers of the gun change.

Major Artifact, Caster Level 20. Strong Enchantment and Necromancy.

Sorrow is a +3, Cruel, Distance, Resizing, Reliable revolver. Because it fires magical energy it targets Touch AC at all ranges. It retains these powers at anytime it is charged. When the wielder is feeling strong emotions the weapon becomes charged. If the emotion was the result of a magical effect the charge is still gained but the effect is NOT ended. All damage dealt is raw magical power, ignores energy resistance, damage reduction, hardness, and SR. Any status effect or penalty incurred by Sorrow lasts as long as the target can see Sorrow and 5 rounds thereafter.  If a circumstance that would cause Sorrow to gain a charge happens to someone carrying it, Sorrow immediately appears in your hand. Once picked up, it considers that person its Wielder. A Remove Curse can dislodge the weapon but it will attach to the next person to pick it up. 

It appears to have some level of awareness of its surroundings. When spreading negative emotion (any sort of conflict) Sorrow can grant additional powers. These have not been discovered or revealed at this time. When touched or scanned (Detect Magic, Detect Psychic Significance, Detect Thoughts) the emotion based powers become known, as well as its name. By focusing on one's own emotions, you can grant Sorrow a charge with a DC 25 Will Save. By affecting those around you, Sorrow will gain charges as appropriate. Using Intimidate or Bluff successfully in combat will grant Sorrow a charge (usually Fear or Rage). Only through sustained torture, either physical, mental, or magical can Sorrow gain a Torment charge. Sorrow can only hold one type of emotion at a time. It must be fired or left undrawn to lose charges. If undrawn, Sorrow looses 1 charge per day. It wants to be fired and may try to force the issue. 

Fear: When charged with Fear, the wielder can not advance beyond Shaken regardless of the source of the effect. Sorrow gains 6 bullets each dealing 2d6+3 damage. Anyone damaged by a Fear bullet must make a Will Save (DC 22) or become Shaken. If already Shaken when hit they instead take 1d6 Wis damage in addition to the normal damage (No Save).

Rage: When charged with Rage, the wielder adds their Strength modifier to damage. The wielder also may take actions that require concentration (but not spellcasting). Sorrow gains 5 bullets each dealing 3d6+3 damage. Anyone damaged by a Rage bullet must make a Fortitude Save (DC 22) or become Fatigued. If already Fatigued when hit they instead take 1d6 Str damage in addition to the normal damage (No Save).

Disgust: When charged with Disgust, the wielder is immune to Nauseated. If a magical effect would cause the wielder to become Sickened or Nauseated, Sorrow becomes charged and the wielder becomes Sickened instead of any other effect. Sorrow gains 6 bullets each dealing 2d6+3 damage. Anyone damaged by a Disgust bullet must make a Reflex Save (DC 22) or become Sickened. If already Sickened the target instead takes 1d6 Dex damage in addition to the normal damage (No Save).

Torment: Joy and Delight are supposed to be  good things. But those same emotions drawn from the pain of others are dark reflections  that Sorrow will gladly feed upon. When charged with Torment, the weapon gains 5 bullets, each deals 3d10+3 damage. Those damaged by a Torment bullet must make a Fort Save (DC 25) or suffer and additional 3d10 nonlethal damage as a fraction of the victim's pain flows into the target. If the target can not take nonlethal damage, it instead takes a -5 penalty to Charisma. Note: A Good character can not charge Sorrow with Torment.

Destruction: Azim couldn't figure it out. Good luck.

Security Armor mk1

Found in an Ancient ruin, this armor resembles full plate but has more uniform coverage. The suit is dull grey with blue and gold highlights and bears the insignia of a regional mining authority. It requires electric power to function or even move. While worn the gloves / gauntlets have enough flexibility to use most normal equipment with minimal loss of fine motor control. 

Armor Bonus +12; Max Dex Bonus 2; Armor Check Penalty -3; Speed 30 feet

Strength 20(+5); Damage 1d10 B; Size Medium

Capacity 20; Usage 1/hour

Installed Upgrade: thermal capacitor. Grants Fire and Cold Resistance 5.

Integrated weapon: Charge Whip Capacity 10; Usage 1/min

normal 1d4 x2 2 lbs. Slash disarm, nonlethal, reach 15ft, trip

charged  1d6 x2 2 lbs. Elect disarm, nonlethal, reach 15ft, trip 

If the wearer's strength is less than 20 then is becomes 20 while the armor is powered. However, if the armor is working too hard (the wearer has a strength of 10 or less) the armor check penalty becomes -5. If the wearer's  is 20 or greater it instead grants a +2 circumstance bonus to strength. The armor also gives the wearer a special unarmed strike which does not provoke attacks of opportunity (for this suit the base damage is 1d10+Str modifier). 

By default the suit grants a number of immunities based on its environmental systems. It is not equipped to operate in space but does protect against contact and inhaled poisons. The visor will automatically darken against flashes and visual based attacks granting a +4 bonus to saves on most effects that would cause blindness or dazzled and gaze attacks.

The suit does have a built in radio that has a range of 10 miles. There is an integrated IR flashlight / thermograph system granting the wearer 60 foot darkvision. The boots can anchor to a stone or metal floor giving the wearer a +8 bonus to CMD against bull rush, trip, and reposition.

In order to fully charge the suit must remain in a docking cradle for 6 hours. There is a reserve battery that allows basic movement but no strength boost for an extra 2 hours. If the suit is still on when the reserve battery runs out, a manual release will allow escape. This is best done from the outside. Escaping an unpowered suit is a long action requiring 5 minutes (2 minutes with help). Getting the suit on or off while powered only takes 1 minute. 

Sonic Rifle

This blocky device looks like a low poly rifle. The frame is blocky with a pair of grips on the underside. The rear grip is near a manual trigger and has a control interface that works with the Security Armor. There are no external instructions or read outs. The aperture glows briefly when the trigger is squeezed as the energy build up excites a reaction chamber just prior to firing a pulse of intense sound. A trained operator can toggle a variety of settings through the armor interface. By temporarily bypassing a safety feature the weapon can fire more damaging shots at the cost of using more power.

Name Dmg (M) Critical Range Capacity Weight Type Special

Sonic Rifle 2d8 x3 60 ft. 20 6 lbs. So Critical: disorient (target becomes flat footed on a critical hit). Variable mode: can be switched to cause nonlethal damage to living targets with a swift action. Can switch back as a swift action. Boost: spend a move action. All shots in the next 3 rounds will spend 2 charges to deal 3d8+3 damage. 

Worm-Hunter Boots

Aura: None (technological device, electrical)

Slot Feet Price: 30,000 gp Weight 4 pounds

These bulky looking metal and ceramic boots have a variety of cables running from the cuff to the sole. As long as the wearer does not move they gain Tremorsense 30 feet. Every round the wearer may take a move action to focus on the boots to extend the range 20 feet. Any use of move or full round actions to move reset the range to 5 feet. A 5-foot step reduces the range by 10 feet. Additional creatures walking nearby usually don't affect the boots, but a large number or particularly dense creatures might. The wearer may make a Will Save (DC 15) to filter out non-hostile creatures they can see in the area. 

These boots will pick up anything using a Burrow speed, climbing a wall within range (count the distance from boots to the wall and add the distance up the wall to determine the range), and anything walking in range. Creatures with Earthglide (elementals mostly) can be detected but the range is halved. 

The boots do require electrical power, but an integrated mechanism converts the motion of walking into new charges. The sensors can be turned on or off with a move action. If you have them on but don't move for 30 minutes the power runs out. They will start working again after 5 minutes of normal movement.