The Good

Generally speaking, divine entities that focus on Good encourage their followers to aid others and refrain from wanton violence.  Some degree of selflessness is typical.  What exactly qualifies as Good is always up for debate. Do I give this person a chance to change their ways? If I save someone who seems innocent now, what happens if they commit evil acts later? Each deity has their own guidance on these and other questions.  Methods vary by ethical slant. Lawful Good believes that the best outcomes for the most people are found when working in unison, everyone building and growing in the same direction. Chaotic Good believes that each person's choices should lead them in the best direction, regardless of doctrine or tradition. Or perhaps you find either extreme to be to harsh and just try to help those around you live a better life. 


Light of Mercy     Alignment LG      Pantheon Major Deities

Areas of Concern Healers, redemption, civilization

Domains  Glory, Good, Healing, Law,  Sun

Subdomains Heroism (Glory), Honor (Glory), Archon (Good), Redemption (Good), Medicine (Healing*)

* Requires the Acolyte of Apocrypha trait.

Favored Weapon Longsword

Symbol  unicorn head on a shield

Sacred Animal(s) horse / unicorn

Sacred Color(s) Silver, purple (more blue than red)


After reciting a prayer to Belinda, prepare or refill a healers kit. You may also spend at least 10 minutes collecting medicinal herbs, cleaning bandages, or treating an injured person. Gain a +2 sacred bonus on Heal skill checks for the next 24 hours. You also gain a +2 sacred bonus to resist diseases while treating wounds.


Centers of Worship Ashenvan, The Southern Isles, Chadan

Paladin Code – Virtues appear in the order to be followed

             1. Help the injured and sick.

             2. Protect the innocent.

             3. Guide the wayward back into the light.

             4. Obey the local laws.


Unique Spell Rules


    Cure Wounds (All)      The maximum value added to the die roll is 2 levels higher.


   Cure Wounds (All)       The maximum value added to the die roll is 2 levels higher.


   Cure Wounds (All)      The maximum value added to the die roll is 2 levels higher.


Unique Summon Rules

Summon Monster I: when summoning a celestial pony, add 10 feet to its speed.

Summon Monster V: Add Legion Archon to the list.

Summon Monster VIII: Add Monadic Deva to the list.


Once heir to the throne of an island nation, her destiny carried her further. Assisted in her ascension by mortal villains and divine heroes, Belinda claimed the role of healer and protector. She asks her followers to work toward the benefit of society above individuals. She actively assists those who heal the sick and injured (see Obedience above). Some of her newer followers have fully embraced her power of healing others to the exclusion of all violent acts except toward the mindless. As Belinda is often portrayed carrying her father’s sword, its clear that bloodshed is sometimes the only way to protect others.


While she does respect the Law, she knows that mortals are fallible and has been known to guide her worshippers to revise unjust laws and resist corrupt officials.

The Hunter

Alignment NG      Pantheon Major Deities

Areas of Concern Forests and those that live there, rain, herbalism

Domains  Good, Earth, Animal, Plant, Travel

Subdomains Friendship (Good), None (Earth), Feather, Fur (Animal), Growth, Thorns* (Plant), Exploration (Travel)

* Requires the Acolyte of Apocrypha trait.

Favored Weapon Longbow / Composite Longbow

Symbol  a cat's pawprint with 3 claw marks crossed over.

Sacred Animal(s) jaguar (other big cats) 

Sacred Color(s) Orange and blue


 While lying under or in a tree, offer a prayer to The Hunter. Be still for not less than 10 minutes while observing the world. If a bird or small animal approaches your branch, either catch it or kill it. If killed, you must eat or otherwise use the animal. If you catch it, offer it a morsel of food and release it. You gain a +2 sacred bonus to Perception until the next sunrise.


Centers of Worship Ashenvan, Haventon, Chadan, Hacheri


Unique Spell Rules


        Add Cat's Grace to you spell list as a 2nd level spell

Add Cat's Grace, Mass to your spell list as a 6th level spell.


 Add Hunter's Lore (Inner Sea Magic) to your spell list as a 2nd level spell.


Unique Summon Rules - a cat for every level

Summon Monster I:. Add Young Cheetah

Summon Monster II:. Add Young Lion

Summon Monster VII:. Add Advanced Dire Lion 

Summon Monster VIII:  Add Advanced Dire Tiger

Summon Monster IX:. Add Giant, Advanced Dire Tiger 

Born for a schism within the church of Faylani's successor. The now forgotten being was divided formed two distinct entities, neither of which were previously mortal. They often clash over coast lines and river deltas but otherwise have no overlap. The Hunter, they have no other name or title, usually appears as an elven female in a checkered coat and armed with a bow. They ask their followers to respect the natural world. Hunting for food is encouraged as is agriculture when done correctly. The Hunter does not harbor (much) ill will toward city dwellers. They understand that is the way of civilization and The Hunter stands ready to aid those who are ready to walk away from it.


Hand of Fortune    Alignment CG      Pantheon Major Deities

Areas of Concern 

Domains  Chaos, Good, Luck, Liberation, Nobility


* Requires the Acolyte of Apocrypha trait.

Favored Weapon bastard sword

Symbol  a coin, pinned to a hoop, so it can spin.

Sacred Animal(s) 

Sacred Color(s) 

Obedience:  None, but a particularly audacious bet or challenge has been know to get extra attention.


Centers of Worship Ashenvan, Chadan, Haventon, Soruan


Unique Spell Rules




Unique Summon Rules

 In the time of Skyfall Chaid was a devout follower of Gotan. Now that the former Ten are Fallen he has joined the ranks of the Ascended. Taking most of Gotan's old portfolio has Chaid the primary patron of adventurers, gamblers, and daredevils. He asks little of his followers save that they try to do good works where ever they travel. Nothing specific, no special rituals. 

Derune Argus

Light of Hope   Alignment CG      Pantheon Dwarven Deities

Areas of Concern: Adventurers, alcohol, freedom

Domains  Glory, Healing, Redemption (Good)

Favored Weapon Firearms, a lever action rifle

Symbol  Crossed rifles over a grey field.

Sacred Animal(s) None

Sacred Color(s) Slate grey and bright yellow

Obedience:  None


Centers of Worship Ashenvan, Boros, Haventon, 

Unique Spell Rules

Cleric/Warpriest - Add the following to the Cleric spell list

    2nd - Stabilize Powder, Thunder Fire

    3rd - Heart of the Metal

    7th - Iron Body

    8th - Iron Body, but Target creature touched, Duration 1 min./2 levels

Paladin: Argus has been know to grant full paladin abilities to those who are Neutral Good. Protecting the innocent is the first priority, followed by honoring your word. Everything else is below that.


Unique Summon Rules - None

In his mortal life, Derune Argus was a follower of Nachi. He ignored his master's growing paranoia and evil ways. Derune actively worked to maintain Nachi's power and convinced him to resist stepping down. When Nachi was destroyed, Derune joined the cult of Dranli and went deep into the earth to become one of the first Duergar. There in the depths he toiled and fought for many years. One day when searching for a new weapon he stumbled into a trap that teleported him to the surface. There, alone in a verdant forest, he remembered why he served Nachi in the first place. The cool soil, the sounds of wildlife, it all came rushing back. He also found an old adventurer's pack and rifle. He made his way back to Boros, traveled the deepest passages to get back the the Duergar, and asked them to come back to the light. He was met with disbelief followed by violence. Derune died in those halls looking for anyone who would go back to the surface with him. He awoke in that same forest surrounded by a handful of those who he had convinced. Faylani intervened in honor her bond to Nachi. She restored him and gave him a new purpose. His kin were lost to the darkness, but many on the surface needed the light too. He was to find them and guide them. 

He is often associated with alcohol. Though his followers use it in rituals and revelry, Derune often used it to dull the memories of his past sins and old master.